Monday 2 July 2012

Green Sari Fragment

I've started again on the fragemnt series now that the Peterborough Artist's Open Studios is over, and I have some peace and quiet! This is quite a long piece and will be resined on both sides, and a backing will allow it to be hung without framing. A bit of an experiment....
Stage 2 detail. Under painting with French Ultramarine to strengthen the silver 

Stage 2 working out placements of motifs

Stage 3 including alarazin crimson and some more motif details

Stage 3: overpainting and cutting through the hand made paper to form an actual fringe which will need reinforcing in the final stages. This is a bit of a gamble, the paper may be too fragile to retain it's shape even after the resin stage, but it's worth trying!

Stage 3:  some corrections to keep the overall balance. Some additional details need to be included in the top section, including some more cut-work.

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